The Avengers (2018) #5-Review

Avengers5.jpgThe Avengers #5

Written by Jason Aaron
Pencils by Ed McGuinness and Paco Medina
Inks by Juan Vlasco with Mark Morales and Karl Story
Colors by David Curiel
Lettered by VC’s Cory Petit
Cover by Ed McGuinness, Mark Morales and Jason Keith

This is the issue that changes everything.  Jason Aaron has been telling a story that feels much bigger and more important to the Marvel Universe than many Avengers stories of recent past.  What will come out of the other side of this arc could shift the superhero landscape in ways that have yet to be explored.

The genesis of everything that we know.  In a wonderful sequence that shows Loki telling Captain America this awe-inspiring tale of creationism, all while readers witness the events, Aaron tells a tale of how it all came to be.  Earth’s earliest day couples with the aspects of cosmic origin along with the evil that comes with the birth of anything new shows just how awesome this story is and how deep Aaron is diving into this script.  The events that take place in this book will change the way that some look at heroes but also the planet that we all inhabit.  Each issue has seen a character rise to the top and this issue sees Ghost Rider be that character.  At the start of the series, Ghost Rider was an outsider to this team and this issue displays just how he gets on the team and how important he is to the cause.  While the focus of awesomeness is on him for this issue, each character gets their time to shine as well.  Readers get to see the Avengers fighting together again and it is glorious.

When it comes to the art you have to start at the end.  The double page spread at the end of the issue are the best two pages of art the series has seen so far and leaves readers yearning for what it to come.  Paco Median and Ed McGuinness have put in some excellent work over this arc but issue #5 stands above the rest.  The scale and design of the Celestials that they are able to capture should be hung on the walls on any comic book fan.  Being able to show exactly how huge these beings are and what the team is up against is where the success of the art is.  Once again, the colors by David Curiel fit the art like a glove.  A vast array of colors that are used at the most opportune time make the art look so damn good.

While this issue is amazing in and of itself it just leaves you wanting more.  That is the greatest aspect of this series so far.  With each and every issue Aaron is bringing in new and changing the old in ways that make you want to read on past the pages of the issue.  This is an exciting direction for not only the Avengers but the Marvel Universe as well.  A story of creation by a team of wonderful creators make Avengers #5 a terrific read.

Cover: A
Script: A
Pencils and Colors: A+

Overall: A

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