Justice League #2-Review

JusticeLeague2.jpgJustice League #2

Written by Scott Snyder
Pencils by Jorge Jimenez
Colors by Alejandro Sanchez
Lettered by Tom Napolitano
Cover by Jorge Jimenez and Alejandro Sanchez

Comic book storytelling at its finest.  Continuing the momentum from the first issue, Scott Snyder, with artists Jorge Jimenez and Alejandro Sanchez, are delivering some of the best work the Justice League has seen in a long while.  The script is vast and complex and the art stands right with it.  These creators are leaving no stone unturned and giving readers an epic tale that this group of superheroes deserve.

When you are a part of this team you have to know that events will take place that you have never seen before.  This story may be the biggest, in terms of ground covered, that the League has ever faced.  Each member serves their own purpose in this fight and that is what they are trained for.  The brilliance of Snyder being on this book is that he gives every member their time to shine and does not have that problem of leaving some characters in the background.  Like the first issue where readers got a detailed glimpse of the Martian Manhunter, Snyder zeroes in on a character that he wants to develop and for this issue it was all about elevating Lex Luthor. While the book is titled Justice League, it is just as much about the Legion of Doom which sets the stage for development from both sides in the long-term leading to battles of epic proportions. Luthor, arguably the main character of this issue, is back to his villainous way and fans should be very happy with what Snyder is doing with the character. The League is up against a problem that they do not understand, all while running in to speed bumps  in the pursuit of a solution.

The storytelling that the art accomplishes is just as special as the script.  Jimenez’s style fits this larger than life team with brilliant detail and fluidity.  The style is simple giving images that fans will recognize.  The style is almost a call back to the animated series of past in the DC Universe.  Panel after panel are filled with detail and beautiful backgrounds.  Snyder is playing with the emotions of these characters and the art captures each an every one of them.  Sanchez colors the issue wonderfully bringing each and every character to life in an astonishing and energizing way.  The page with the big twist is gorgeous and really gives weight to the event taking place at that time.

Overall, another successful installment for this new team.  The issue is such and enjoyable read with wonderful art.  The biggest problem that can be faced when creating a team book is giving every character their moment and time to shine.  Not only do Snyder, Jimenez and Sanchez accomplish this, they give each character an importance.  Snyder writes a script that cover vast amounts of time and space and Jimenez steps up to the plate an imaginatively illustrates it all.  The second issue of this series continues to build on the first installment.  DC needed their flash ship team and book to be a hit and this creative team is not disappointing in the least bit.  This feels like one of those runs that people will talk about for years to come and we are only two issue in.

Cover: A
Script: A
Pencils and Colors: A

Overall: A

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