Old Man Logan (2016) #7-Review

OldManLogan7Old Man Logan (2016) #7

Written by Jeff Lemire
Pencils and Inks by Andrea Sorrentino
Colors by Marcelo Maiolo
Lettered by VC’s Cory Petit

Same title. Same level of story. Same level of art. Same review.  Old Man Logan (2016)  is just so hard to write about.  Writing a review for a near perfect issue is just impossible.  But here we go.

The issue starts right where the previous left off.  Logan finds himself attempting to save the citizens of Killhorn Falls from Lady Deathstrike and the reavers.  Logan, in his best berserker ways, takes down everyone he can until finding Deathstrike holding two important characters hostage.  Using assistance from another, an aspect that Logan has not always been fond of, he is able to free the two hostages and take on Deathstrike himself.  In the most chaotic fight scene of the book so far, Logan goes on a rampage to end this wonderful arc.  The arc in with Logan in a new mindset of revenge.  Revenge against those enemies from a life no longer his. Logan states at the end, “From now on I am chaos…and I’m coming for them all.”

A perfect end to a perfect arc.  Jeff Lemire could not have had a better script end Logan’s stay in Killhorn Falls.  This issue gives the character of Old Man Logan depth that has not been present in previous issues.  Logan is finally able to realize that he is not just the person with the worst luck in the world but he brings the pain and chaos with him.  the tragedy of the issue is that while Logan felt as if he had found his peace and happiness, chaos and loneliness rear their ugly heads right back at him.  He will never be able to get away from the past that he lived nor the past that the Wolverine from this timeline lived.  The book is perfect because Lemire is able to balance violent action with the ability for the reader to get into Logan’s head to feel what he feels.  The art is just another feather in the cap for Andrea Sorrentino and Marcelo Maiolo.  There is no critique nor are there words that can describe the beauty and violent grace that these pages have.  The final page of the issue is one of the best pages ever drawn for a Wolverine comic and could stand atop that mantle for a long time to come.

Overall, what can one say about such an amazing piece of comic art.  The themes that are  presented bring the reader right into the action.  The action just fits the book and the character so well.  And the character, while so rich in history, feels new.  Lemire has opened Logan up so much that readers can do nothing but want more and more from inside the head of the man who used to be Wolverine.

Cover: A
Script: A+
Pencils and Colors: A+

Overall: A+

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