Weapon H #1-Review

weapon h1Weapon H #1

Written by Greg Pak
Illustrated by Cory Smith and Marcus To
Colors by Morry Hollowell
Lettered by VC’s Joe Caramagna

After Weapons of Mutant Destruction it was easy to see that this character has enough to hold down his own book.  With Greg Pak writing there is no doubt that both character and creator are perfect for each other.  Pak has a terrific mind for a “Jekyll and Hyde” type of story.  A story that starts off with a bang in its #1 issue.

The issue begins with a character who clearly is trying to keep his head down and stay out of sight of anyone around him.  Who would not want to go unnoticed if they had both the Hulk and the Wolverine screaming to come of and play? The issue gives a brief explanation of where the character is, both on the run and in his own mindset.  Readers follow Clay to the shores of a lake where the internal dialogue paints the picture for the entire issue.  While at the lake Clay observes a family nearby. A scene that clearly shows the emotions that Clay is experiencing without his family.  The book moves to Clay, still out in the wilderness, spotting a landing helicopter.  This is where readers are introduced to the big bad of the story, in the form of Roxxon Corporation.  Pak furthers the plot with the Roxxon team in search of something deep in the woods.  As the issue moves, Weapon H gets to show off the powerful nature of his new life against the specimen that the Roxxon team was searching for. The creative team does a masterful job of showing how this new hybrid hero is different from the characters that he was made from.  Being a soldier he clearly know how to fight better than the scientist that his Hulk-ness came from.  But he plays off of his Wolverine side much more with the revenge factor of going through the poking and prodding of the Weapon X program.  There is a nice cameo that brings in the Marvel Universe with Dr. Strange witness the battle in the wilderness.  The fear that Strange shows for the monster that has been unearthed is nothing compared to the fear he shows when another creature he does know is shown in the Sanctum.  The issue finished with a family that is in disarray due to recent tragedy.  It is revealed that this family is that of Clay and Weapon H and his wife may have a close connection to the people who her husband will find himself up against.

Pak continues to dazzle with his writing of characters like this.  The two-sided nature of a character like Weapon H lends itself well to the creative mind of its writer.  The fact that Pak can, in one issue, get readers right into the mindset of the title character along with building a much bigger story overall is pure genius.  The drawing of this issue is just impeccable.  The detail that Cory Smith is able to show in both the foreground and back ground helps to keep the issue moving at the fast pace in which it was written.  The fact is Weapon H would be an amazing character to see on the page but the restraint of only having his appear in minimal panels is a creative way of keeping the mystery of this character and story alive.  Overall, an interest is piqued kind of #1, that will keep readers coming back for more from a tremendously talented creative team.

Cover: B+
Script: A
Pencils and Colors: A-

Overall: A-

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